By Eric Holm

You put lots of time and effort in acquiring your emergency supplies and preparing for a disaster of evacuation. However, all planning would hardly matter if you are not organized enough. If on a cold winter night you cannot finding your emergency solar blanket and the sleeping bag then all the planning has failed miserably. Hence you always need to be organized while executing the storage of items concerning your emergency supplies before a disaster strikes. Storing all the emergency supplies in a marked bag makes the users aware of their presence and also helps in finding the specific ones easily at the time of a crisis. It is always wise to make all the supplies portable so that they can easily be carried as per your requirements.

Every disaster kit should include the basic first aid supplies needed to treat minor injuries. It is also necessary to address all the basic human needs like food, water and sleep. Take the time to review the contents of the kit and learn how to use each item to provide fundamental first aid for minor injuries. This confidence will help when you are under a great amount of stress to perform. Take these simple steps for the proper handling of emergency storage.

Make a list of the basic first aid items to include in a kit when it is time to address emergency gear storage. Purchase a sturdy backpack or a large waterproof container to protect these items from adverse weather conditions or from being damaged in a flood. This kit should have antibiotic cream, splints and multiple bandages. These items will all be useful for treating minor cuts, scrapes, burns and bug bites. Make sure the container you choose is large enough for all these items. It is possible to purchase a prepackaged kit that comes with a suitable container. Other suitable emergency storage items are clear plastic boxes that make it easy to see the contents without having to open the box. Every item in this type of kit needs to be clearly labeled for identification purposes. There should be no confusion when an accident happens and you are pressed into action. Multiple kits can be placed inside a large plastic garbage tote. A 55-gallon can is large enough to keep sleeping gear and first aid kits safe and dry. These containers are also ideal for emergency food storage because they will keep any pests out. Schedule a family disaster drill so everyone in the family is familiar with what to do when tragedy strikes.

What are the basic items to store? Some essential items to consider while preparing for a disaster seems always apparent these are the things which we use in our day to practice. So what are the items to compile as emergency supplies in your disaster management kit? These include water which forms the basic element of life. Make sure that you have enough storage space to store water for you and your family. A 50 gallon drum is a preferred choice. A small amount of bleach like 1 tablespoon per gallon of water can be added as a precaution to fight water borne diseases or better yet get a good water treatment kit. Also, you can use the water in your hot water heater provided you filter the before using it and/or buying prepackaged water is always a good idea. - Keep ready a supply of non-perishable food that could last for at least of 3 - 5 years is essential. These include food ration bars and food products that can be consumed for a longer period of time. Another important item that is a must have in a basic emergency kit and first aid kit. Keep all necessary medication ready in the first aid kit as well and check the expiration dates of all the medicines from time to time.

Remember emergency occurs without any prior notice and it can happen to anyone anywhere hence being ready and having organized supplies to tackle all types of crisis is always a wise decision.

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