By Nat C Napowocki

Our location isn't particularly a model community. I would settle somewhere less risky if only I could afford it on a library assistant's earnings. During 2012, I started a company along with several long-time friends. All of us foresee a really good return of investment come 2015.

I'm optimistic I can obtain a great house within a good area in the near future. I simply have to stay alive until I do. One of my business partner friends swayed me lately to carry some non-fatal electric shock personal protection in the form of a stun shot gun.

Stun devices, I have discovered, are designed to deposit a quick release of electricity directly into the body at the point of contact. A loss of muscle movement and also bearings occurs consequently. The people receiving the electrical jolt could topple over.

Inside the 20 to 40 minutes your own attacker is paralyzed and floored, you have a chance to escape and hide or call 9-1-1. You need not fight. Better yet, you have no person's blood on your hands since he will recover with no permanent injury suffered.

Paris, the friend in question, is a personal fanatic of flashlight stun weapons. A financial planner as well as a logical thinker, he believes no other sort is far more useful. Undoubtedly, criminal elements lurk during the night and in the dark.

Andy, one more buddy who would have been another proprietor had she not backed out, wants effortless weapons. She insists that stun alarms, besides delivering an electric shock, do the work of shouting for assist on your account.

The Stun Master multi-function rechargeable stun gun that I went for silenced both of them. This is equipped with 4.5 million volts plus a security alarm, an ultra-bright LED, a disable pin linked to a wrist strap and red, blinking emergency lights.

For an electric shock self defense device, my high voltage stun device can do numerous other things unrelated to electricity in order to help keep me protected. Despite being aware of my spending, I feel this is well worth every penny.

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