bronze bay tanning Upon entering a tanning salon East Lansing, you can see swarms of people lined up to buy packs to start tanning tanning their bodies.bronze tanning Many MSU students may not be aware that the tanning tax was imposed on all bronze bay tanning salons and added to the price of each visit. The 10 percent tax was imposed to help reduce the increased risk of melanoma cancer rates.
bronze bay tanning According bronze tanning to a CBS news article published in June 2010, tanning booths emit UVA and UVB rays. UVA rays, which constitute the majority of the rays, which give color and UVB cause sunburn. What many people do not understand is that tanning booths emit radiation which can be up to 12 times stronger than natural sunlight. People believe that UVA rays are safe, when in fact it can be as damaging to a person's skin burning UVB rays. The fact that it does not burn does not mean that your skin is safe bronze bay tanning.
bronze bay tanning The director of the Society of bronze tan and tan Bay specialist, Megan Kelly, said business has not decreased since implementing the tanning tax. bronze bay tanning Kelly said he did not agree with the tax on tanning and think it should be the responsibility of the client if the risks of tanning are large enough to make them stopbronze bay tanning.
"bronze bay tanning The biggest problem with tax complaints," said Kelly. "People do not understand why they have to pay more for sunbathing.bronze bay tanning Companies Tanning not lose revenue, but certainly not win either.bronze tanning Conducted guys [students] are already counting their rooms. Offering the best deals on tanning is a way of trying to subsidize the costs for our students. "
bronze bay tanning Alison Tanning Company Loew said he believes the tax on tanning affected their business a little, but not spectacular. Your biggest problem with the tax, as the bronze 's Bay is complaints.
"bronze bay tanning People complain about taxes, but do a little more on it, packets are being bought and life goes on," said Loew.
bronze bay tanning Loew,bronze bay tanning who is against tax bronze tanning, said firmly that people will so anyway. She thinks the tax is "another way to raise money for the government."
Kelly said the owner of Bronze Bay, Sarah Munkacsy, only allows employees as three times a week.
Bronze Bay realizes that excessive tanning is healthy, and it will affect anything too much, like eating, drinking, exercise or smoking.
"The prosecutor has prevented me from tanning all the time,bronze tanning but not quite," said the second-year speech, Kait Ayers. "I always go when I want."
As a student,bronze tanning Ayers did not want to tax on bronze bay tanning.
"I hate to pay more sun," she said.
bronze bay tanning Ayers rarely tans now know is not good for your skin. She said she was concerned about exposure to harmful rays, but she does not understand what are actually rays. However, the cost is the main reason that often is not bronze.
"bronze bay tanning It's too expensive. Along with the price, I know that the side effects of tanning can be harmful and do not want to put myself in the position to do harm to my body," said Ayers bronze tanning.
bronze bay tanning Gwardzinski Emily, a high school education, has a firsthand experience of how melanoma cancer can affect someone's life.
"Skin cancer in my family,bronze bay tanning to see firsthand the effects it has on someone close to me influences my decision not so," said Gwardzinski.
bronze bay tanning Photo credit: Jenna Chabot
"I do not think the tax is a bad idea," said Gwardzinski. "Tanning is not good for your body, and excess tanning only hurts the older person. Establishing a tax could prevent some people from using it, which would save in the long run."
Gwardzinski said people who absolutely want to tan will be willing to pay more,bronze bay tanning but you can convince people that it is not necessary that every day tan. This is exactly what Ali Kraus eliminated the tax on tanning.
"bronze bay tanning I started tanning in the winter of my junior year in high school," said Ali Kraus graduated from Douglas J. Aveda Institute. "I used so much, but now I just. Tanning tax is to change my perspective on tanning."
bronze bay tanning Kraus said he now realizes the dangers of fake tan and decided to make less frequent trips to the tanner.
bronze bay tanning Dr. Marcy Street, Doctors Approach Dermatology, said he believes the tanning tax is a very effective way to reduce the use of tanning beds and tanning a tax was a necessary measure to prevent people with pest Such a device .
"I feel that I have to be a tax on tanning.bronze bay tanning They need to increase the level of awareness about the harmful effects [tan in the body]," said Street.
There is another option for those who are concerned about the risks of tanning and the tax that goes with it.
"bronze bay tanning We insist on a healthy tan with bronze Bay. To balance the loss of tanning, we offer our customers the benefits of spray tanning," said Kelly.
Spray tanning can be a healthy alternative and a method for the avid tanner to achieve more than the tan they want.
bronze bay tanning On campus and in the Grand River Avenue, students can see that many tanning salons are advertising offers tanning spray tanning packages. If you look further, you will realize that companies are not emphasizing that spray tanning is healthy unless you read their newsletters or specifically talk to a specialist. Fortunately, spray tans are tax tanning and are a healthier alternative to tanning beds.
Many students have misconceptions about bronze spray: think they will come out with an artificial tan looking.
bronze bay tanning Gwardzinski also said his sister tried spray tanning for a wedding this year and it looks great, not orange. He added that the spray tan does not last long, but added that it is much safer than a tanning bed.
Kraus had a similar experience with tanning spray and said it was much easier to get as traditional tanning.
bronze bay tanning All these misconceptions about spray tanning intrigued me, so I took the plunge and kicked spray tan: I am not the dreaded pumpkin color. The experience itself was unlike any other I've tried. Standing naked in front of another person who was not my favorite, but definitely made me out of my comfort zone.
bronze bay tanning Do not worry, spray tans are not always so close and personal. According to the program, you may have a choice between an employee that you spray down or a machine. Center tan can last five to ten days, but for some, which overcomes the drawbacks of conventional tanning.
Based on student responses, it appears that the tanning tax actually had an effect on people tanning habits. Although some tanning salons are not losing business, the tax seems to have had a positive effect on the individual use of UV tanning salons.
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