By Jay Walker

You want to join the thriving hub of online software stores. But the more research you do, the more confused you get. Fear not because you've come across the right information this time! We've researched the best way to create and maintain a profitable online software business, and all you need to do to learn is continue reading.

Your contact information should be supplied in such a way that your customers will feel welcome to use it. The contacts should also lead to a real person. You can even go so far as to note the name of the person they will be speaking with, if it's not you.

Do not get bogged down in technical features of your software product- instead put key features into easy to understand benefits. For example, do not tell your customers about unique, proprietary attributes of your permission settings; instead relate to them that you can save them time. Include the technical specs too, but further down the page and not as a part of your sales technique.

Try to get customers to provide their contact information by providing them an appropriate spot to do so. Customers can opt to receive holiday deals or promotional offers via email. If you can their phone number, you can also use mobile marketing, by sending text messages to their cell phones.

You can expect 15 to 17% increase in sales for online software business during the month of December. This increase in sales will range from different applications such as mobile and travel. If you are selling your software well, then you can see for the growth in sales.

Use Twitter to spread the word about your software product, service, and brand or web content. Figure out whom to follow and look for quality followers. Those which can fuel your word-of-mouth marketing campaign or boost your Twitter exposure. People who have similar interests as you, and those who also tweet similar topics as you. These type of followers are more likely to Retweet your messages to their Twitter following. This will expose your tweets to a much larger audience.

Make sure to take pictures for your site with plenty of background light. Take pictures outside or employ a light box if you have one available. Customers are frustrated by dark pictures, and can have trouble making out details in dark pictures. You can play with the settings on your camera to produce better quality pictures.

Keep your descriptions for your pain management software as detailed as possible. You need to ensure the customer that your software product is everything you say it is as well as everything they want it to be. If you do not you run the risk of having it returned. Include the condition of the item in the description so the customer knows what to expect.

Use Facebook as a strong channel for building brand awareness. Recognize that Facebook might not be the appropriate channel for everything that you do. Be selective in your use of it and which brands or clients you utilize it for.

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