By Jill Tsai

You have probably been to a few download websites that were very confusing. They might've had great graphics, but you really couldn't tell what the intent of the site was. When people view your site you want it to be clean and clear. To learn how to build a user friendly site that will attract viewers check out these tips.

Running a search of your keywords to find out which sites come up first in results is another way to utilize Google to help rankings for your download website. It is great if you found yours there but you have to work to make sure it stays there. You will want to find out what other websites are doing differently. Note them and incorporate them in your site.

Having a FAQ section is a rewarding way to save you and your user time. Make it easy to find and write questions that come up often with thorough answers so that they're not left hanging with more questions. It'll prevent you having to answer the same questions constantly and allow more time to concentrate on other things, like running your download website.

If you want your download website to globally to reach everyone, you should make sure that you use Craigslist. Craigslist is a cheap classified service that will allow you to list your product. Listing your product on Craigslist can really increase the traffic on your website and you can reach a global market.

It's true what they say, "Content is King". Even if your site doesn't present in the most aesthetic manner. Appealing to your target group is as easy as having quality content that is informative. Also, search engines notice useful content and increase your site's value. Keep your site's ranking high by adding new content regularly.

For superb visual appeal on your download website, look for free images. There are a number of these sites available on the web in the public domain as well as "copyright free" images and Creative Commons. Images provide a valuable service to your content and help you to tell your story.

Software Download Website maintenance has never been called easy. Existing content has to be updated in addition to putting up new content such as your industries latest news. Your site has to be found relevant and backlinks to it created to increase the traffic from searches. The rank in search will increase with these steps.

Choose your main keywords for the site and don't change them up. Effectively use your key words by sprinkling them into each article and page without placing them everywhere unnaturally. You'll see the effects of targeted keywords eventually as long as you stick with them.

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