By Frank Milhouse

Great SEO is one of the most important prerequisites for successful Internet marketing. Setting up the necessary back links is a lot of work and can be very time-consuming, while using automated software to do this for you gives your site a black mark with the search engines. A domain web search will reveal several domain names which might help you with this process.

Expired domain names usually have a lot of the SEO already done for you. You can also use automatic software on such older sites freely, with no effect on search engine rankings. You might even come across an expired domain or two which have page rankings: these are real treasures.

Domains aimed and limited, sub-niche, markets should be preferred, as there will be less competition and you can quickly build up dominance. With a steady flow of visitors, you will have opportunities to improve your conversion rate as well as profits-per-click. A high ranking on a less popular keyword will give better results than a poor ranking on an extremely popular one, and should be preferred.

The number of expired domains available is not a problem, as tens of thousands expire every day, a tribute to the size of the Internet. So any fears you might have had about competition for such sites is groundless. There is more of a problem to limiting the selection to those that are of interest, as it is impossible to look at them all. Quality should be preferred, even if it costs more: the little bit extra you might pay for a site with a page ranking will be more than repaid by the results.

You might even occasionally find a domain with a directory listing. The cost of one of these will probably be less than a tenth of the cost of a listing, and you will saved the hassle of applying and waiting for approval. Being listed with a web directory can steer a lot of business your way, so any site like this is well worth a second look.

One thing to be careful of is not to select highly competitive the keywords. You need to be very careful when assessing the keywords, just as you would be for your own site. Good keyword selection has a huge impact on the success and profitability of a site.

You also need to assess the names of domains properly to add value to your business. Do not be in too great a hurry to bid on a site: there will always be other great opportunities coming up all the time. This means there is absolutely no pressure on you to bid on any particular name.

The Internet is a huge marketing forum, and making the most of its opportunities can be tricky. Realizing the power of a domain web search to expand the possibilities gives you another string to your bow. Every day you will find numerous opportunities, so it becomes a matter of simply checking the fit with what you wish to achieve, and discarding those which do not meet your criteria.

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