By Kathryn Neal

Document automation means turning your document into a process application or business process which allow you to make a document faster, more precisely and for more cheaply. This is achieved by special software known as HotDocs software. The company that came up with this software is reputed for IT consultancy for law firms and company legal departments. They sometimes refer to the automation process as the final frontier for many law firms.

It has been observed that many attorneys are fond of implementing a kind of practice organization and management system software when they establish a new law firm. The system drives them to a point focusing on the law and its practices thus completely becoming unmindful of the software system. This usually happens since either the unmindful of the value of the system or just oblivious of its existence.

Besides being the ultimate boarder, document automation is capable of being the most valuable fundamental system that any organization law firm may require. This is attributed to the fact that it is a system which greatly saves time in equal measure as money. Legal exposure is also massively reduced. The time saved will always differ from one organization to another.

A customer who used to work for ten hours in a day to complete working on one document now takes one hour to complete the same task using the automation system. The efficiency for the system here is seen to be ten times more than the previous system. This makes work easier thus enabling the person to finish one thing and quickly move to another.

As it can be seen with this customer, his former process was not much of a technical process at all. You will realize it was actually a combination of macros, merge, word mail and some VBA. He was tasked with the responsibility of inputting data so to create the document, proofread the files, examine and replace the mistakes and check it again.

After spending hours doing this, you still find that the files have errors. Updating such a process involves hiring a programmer who has to come and rewrite some VBA and again update his macros. This mode of operation is quite time consuming, cumbersome and inaccurate. It also creates unnecessary inconveniences that can be eliminated.

With the automation system, most of the information is imported right from the database. It is after the importation that the files are then generated. This means that the user does not need to call the programmer to come and code in VBA any further. He also does not need to proofread the data anymore. This is because the system is able to do the tasks by itself.

HotDocs software transforms data to process application through the automated structure. A lawyer will then delegate other roles like data assembly to his juniors and paralegals. This gives the lawyer an opportunity to focus on the core of his business, which entails practicing law. Exposure is a serious concern for many companies that need to follow various internal corporate policies and external centralized ones as well.

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